Life is an abstract thing pleading tangibility


he'll find her waiting..a lonesome queen
from 03.15.05

Current mood: dirty

i feel like sucha tramp.and i'm supposed 2B a feminist/i mean i didn't know he was married/he always wore golfer's gloves/and i've been so wanting of affection/so i let him/i drank wine all night to make myself giddy/it worked. i didn't think of his whife & kids til the next morning/my cherry eaten. i burned my own eyes N the mirror/i drove & drove/i actually considered iT, like i had to phoneAfriend/there's a tramp in here, where R the towns' people with their torches?/she likes shiny shoes&room service/2B sexed & left in solitudei am MedinaMedusa. cme Sir, i wiLL break yr heart & make of U a better maN.

teLL St. Patrick he owe me $100

Current mood: frustrated

damn. u know what's harDer than constipation?
proDucin & pRomoTing shows N the unDerGrounD when folKs scaReD to spreaD
it's like folks B screamin. "gimme that hot shyt" but scared of the fire.
we been workin for 5 months. last nite was our worst turn out, 70 people. and the shoW was butta-ful!!!! fuKK. it was the perfect musicK reciPe:: keLSey daVis showed his entertainin aZZ. the aGency wasnT playin either.
WTF??!?!? i remained cool cause i didn't want no one to see me sweat but... shish! what do we haV 2dO 2 get people to beLieVe we offerin some fresh fillet kinda funk. i mean, obviously i ain't no musick chump. the djs cream the city like no other.
we fLy. the fLiers fLy. the veNue is quite possibLy the best N town.
i knoW this is a part of the struggle. i know i know.

i been sleeping on this blog.
fact is i don't know that anybody reads these.
but here we go for hoops...

teLL St. Patrick he owe me $100

Current mood: frustrated

damn. u know what's harDer than constipation?
proDucin & pRomoTing shows N the unDerGrounD when folKs scaReD to spreaD
it's like folks B screamin. "gimme that hot shyt" but scared of the fire.
we been workin for 5 months. last nite was our worst turn out, 70 people. and the shoW was butta-ful!!!! fuKK. it was the perfect musicK reciPe:: keLSey daVis showed his entertainin aZZ. the aGency wasnT playin either.
WTF??!?!? i remained cool cause i didn't want no one to see me sweat but... shish! what do we haV 2dO 2 get people to beLieVe we offerin some fresh fillet kinda funk. i mean, obviously i ain't no musick chump. the djs cream the city like no other.
we fLy. the fLiers fLy. the veNue is quite possibLy the best N town.
i knoW this is a part of the struggle. i know i know.


the thnG abt. punk roCK is(...) that i lve. it.
even when there's a guy in the mosh pit. with a Brotherhood tee-shirt on ya know?:: the front says 'dawn'. the back has a whiteD out pic of a lyncHed blaKK man with the words "eternal sleep" written below. but the thing is i luv 'street dogs' and i'm jammin on all along, waiting on for the mosh pit to looM in my direcTion, my right fist extenDed to aDD my frustratioN Nto the energy & i'm hoping that guy wiLL run right Nto it.
cause see the thinG abt punk rock is iT attraCts aLL kinds of raDicals.
there's a blaKKbrother with locKs N the pit. i'm watching ouT for hiM in case 'Mr.brotherhood' is feeLing an overfloW of aggression. and i'm thinKin abt. afropuNK & how wonderfuL it is 2B one cause it really reflects the essence of
what bLaKK is::: ya know?-- the i know u but you'LL never know me as weLL of our existence. how we B everywhere & despiTe some fuKKed up t-shirt & organizatioN, the worLd wiLL neVer B riD of us. "we don't die we multipLy" LMAO